Archive for March, 2010

It’s Greek to Me/ Phytochemicals Part One

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

The Value of Phytochemicals

Phyto is Greek for plant, so the word chemicals is a bit misleading. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring compounds found in fruits, vegetables, and grains.  These compounds are used by our body to prevent the onset of disease.

Certain Phytochemicals like digitalis and quinine have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes.  As we speak, laboratory scientists are deciphering the many ways Phytochemicals in food may offer front-line defences against cancer. It appears that phytochemicals have the ability to stop cell conversion from healthy to to cancerous. One such impact is to render the hormone estrogen less harmful or dominant thus reducing the risk of breast cancer. A good example of this is Isothiocyanates. This tongue twister, also know as Indoles, is in calciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale,and cauliflower. It is very important that these vegetables are organically grown in nutritively rich soil. It is thought that these vegetables protect against cancer through their effect on enzymes.  On the other hand, Saponins found in beans and legumes may prevent cancer cells from multiplying by influencing the genetic material of the cell.

Phytochemicals in Food

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of Phytochemicals in one tomato or orange.

Allylsulfiides found in the  garlic and onion family have been found to increase enzymes that affect cancer-causing substances and help the body rid itself of them. In addition Elllagic acid found in strawberries and raspberries reduce the genetic damage caused by carcinogens like tobacco smoke and and air pollution. This is good news for those of you who are unfortunate enough to live with or around smokers who are either too narcissistic or too weak to quit. As a side note, I can offer help to those who want to quit but can’t seem to do it on their own. 85 to 90% of my patients quit smoking with one treatment.

Choose Whole Foods

Don’t try to get your phytochemicals in supplements only, and make sure that the supplements you are using are whole food supplements. Some may claim to be but are not. If you wish to have some help in this, please contact me via email or phone. It is very important to get a healthy portion of your phytochemicals in your daily diet. Also stay away from commercial produce. It is loaded with toxic chemicals and void of nutrition. This is not my opinion; it is validated by the CDC.

That is all for now. I will finish this discussion in another What’s on My Mind. So long for now.

Doc Earl

The Benefits of Honey

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

In this short information piece I will be giving you just a few of the many benefits to the use of honey. Before we begin, it is important to note that the honey used must be raw and organic. It is important that you understand that if honey has been processed, it is not not good for either you or the bee.

The processing of honey is a form of  pasturization were the honey heated to very high temperatures.

 Research has shown that if you feed bees processed honey, it will kill them, so it is very important to consume only raw organic honey. Honey is rich in many minerals: i.e. iron, copper, aluminum, magnesium, and potassium. All of these minerals are important to our health, but potassium is vital to our immune system. For example, bacteria cannot live in its presence. Potassium withdraws from the bacteria the moisture which is essential to their very existence. This was documented by Dr. W.G. Sackett at the Colorado Agriculture College in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Honey has many medicinal properties and is helpful in the treatment of digestive distress, bed wetting, insomnia, acute or chronic cough, controlling muscle cramps, healing burns, and much more.

Honey is one of God’s perfect foods and has many advantages over other sugars. Listed below are just a few of these advantages:

1. It is non-irritating to the lining of your digestive tract.

2. It is easily and rapidly assimilated.

3. It quickly furnishes the demand for energy.

4. It enables athletes and others who expend energy heavily to recuperate rapidly from exertion.

5. It is, of all sugars, handled best by the kidneys.

6. It has a natural and gentle laxative effect.

7. It has a sedative value.

As interesting and potentially helpful as this information is, some people have serious conditions with underlying complications and need help in guiding and directing them back to a state of wellness. I would like to be the one to help you. If you have health concerns and would like to inquire how I could help, consider a FREE 15 minute consultation.  Go to the contact section of this website and request a FREE 15 minute consultation. Be sure to leave your contact information.

Doc Earl

Are You Lactose Intolerant?

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Are You Lactose Intolerant?

If you have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance, there is a good possibility that you are just pasteurized milk intolerant. Let me explain.

Milk contains lactose sugar. The enzyme latase splits lactose into two simple sugars: galactose and glucose. In raw milk, lactase is produced by certain naturally occurring lactic-acid producing bacteria. Pasteurization inactivates these bacteria and the lactase they produce.  The enzyme lactase also occurs naturally in the lining of the intestines of all normal human infants and decreases after the age of about three or four.  Many people who do not digest pasteurized milk and are thought to be lactose intolerant, digest raw milk without any problems. This is due in part to the lactase content in raw milk.

In addition, pasteurization is the reason milk produces mucus. If all the enzymes are present and the milk can be digested properly, it does not produce phlegm. I have experienced this first hand. I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant and drinking milk produced digestive distress and a great deal of phlegm. Once I switched to raw milk, I had no phlegm and no symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Pasteurization was done for the dairy farmers not for the consumer. It is a matter of fact that under identical conditions the bacteria count of raw milk is significantly lower than pasteurized milk. According to the USDA, the bacteria count of pasteurized milk must be 10,000 or less per milliliter of milk. On the other hand, studies have shown that the bacteria count of raw milk was between four and five hundred per milliliter of milk. So you can see that pasteurization is not for your safety but for added shelf life and for the convenience of the dairy farmer.

According to the USDA’s definition of adulterated milk, pasteurized milk is an adulterated food.

Milk is a well-balanced, nutritious food.  It has been well documented that people have lived for 40 plus years on milk alone. It has also been successfully used in weight loss. If you would like to know more about how to incorporate raw milk into your life, please contact me and I will be glad to help.

Doc Earl

There is something fishy going on

Friday, March 5th, 2010

When buying any fish oil product, it is important to look for a 5 to 1 ratio between DHA and EPA.  This is  how it occurs in nature. Also, don’t be afraid to eat a lot of fish.  It is great for you, and you do not need to be concerned about the mercury. It is not a problem.  For more information go to  If you need help in locating a good EPA supplement, click on the contact tab and let me know, or call the clinic and we will get one in the mail to you.

One more point on buying fish, stay away from farm raised and go to wild. Farm raised fish has a lot of arachidonic acid and will cause inflammation.

God bless and have a great day.

Doc Earl